Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Look What The Cat Dragged In.

So I've been out of the game for a while...

Time to give y'all the lowdown.

In April I started back at The Electric Circus here in Edinburgh as Karaoke Manager. I was a waitress here waaaay back when I moved to Edinburgh and loved working the late nights, the partying, the people, and most importantly, the work itself. Now fast forward three years and I have an amazing team and kept VERY busy. It's a huge jump upwards in responsibility compared to any job I've ever done before but I'm thriving on it, working in a venue so unique to the point that no two days are the same is EXCITING.

I also made the decision to drop out of university. I've been unhappy for a very long time due to not enjoying the course (not to say that other's haven't) and decided that it was time to break myself away from it. I still hope to go on to study Journalism at a later date, whenever that may be, but for now it, and that particular course, is not right for me. And the second I decided that was that, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Now I finally feel that I can start looking forwards.

I suppose that's the main reason this slipped, it's hard to keep yourself motivated to do even what you love doing most when you're unhappy and in a rut. But now I'm settled, I'm happy, and it's time to get this back on track.

I was lucky enough, even with my keeping quiet and taking a bit of time out, to still be offered to take part in Scotcampus's Today I'm Wearing segment for a week recently. (Thank you Aileen for giving me a much needed kick up the arse and reigniting everything that I'd let burn out.)

What next? Well, you'll just have to wait and see.

You've been warned.

D x

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Loving Shopping Local.

It's been a hectic couple of weeks. HERE COMES THE UNI HAND INS. 

In amongst drowning in books and crying over assessments, my partner in crime Nicole Reekie (who is one helluva photographer may I add) and I hit the Grassmarket area to nosy up some of our favourite wee shops in amongst it.

Proceed with caution, or face ending up with a wish list as long as mine.

Hannah Zakari 

Tucked away on Candlemaker Row, Hannah Zakari is my favourite present shopping spot, for others and myself alike. The wee boutique is bursting with jewellery, art and accessories handcrafted by independent designers with such an impressive range that there is guaranteed to be something you'll fall head over heels for.

This Harris Tweed backpack is my new obsession. Now I'm known to be partial to a wee backpack, ideal for when I'm scooting about on Ryan Gosling (my bike, named after my dream ride obvs), but this is something else. It. Is. Perfect.

Another decided favourite of ours were these necklaces by Margaux Lange, it's like Barbie jewellery for adults! Whether you find them strange or amazing, there is no denying that they're unforgettable statement bits of jewellery.

Pug lovers favourite artist Gemma Correll's Edinburgh postcard ft Greyfriars Bobby! Hannah Zakari has wee sticker versions for just 20p at the till, have a rummage! 

Different meaning entirely in Scottish slang but HOW CUTE.

Find Hannah Zakari online here or go and visit the loooovely Rachel in store.

The Red Door Gallery

Half my bedroom is littered with paintings, drawings and bits and pieces from this unique little gallery on Victoria St. Boasting over 100 artists in their collection, The Red Door Gallery is packed with artists prints, jewellery, diy projects to make yourself, books, zines and everything in between. 

Squeeeeeeeeee. I need this little walrus pal for my jacket.

Hello handsome.

I can think of hunners of you who would LOVE these A5 prints by Rich Fairhead. What a good lookin' pair. Keep an eye out for some amazing 90's/00's hip-hop A5 prints that are in the print display, I have two now and I'm aiming to collect the lot.

Find The Red Door Gallery online here but there is nothing better than losing yourself in amongst it all in store.

Black Box

This was my first ever visit to Black Box, why I have never been before is BEYOND ME, as I fell in love with it the second we walked in. Ran by independent jewellery designers Hannah and Sarah, the shop is what I would love my house to look like, with that much art and jewellery included! 

My new home.

 Loving the amount of Nikki McWilliams stocked in Black Box; brooches, cushions, tape, mirrors etc, and all looking good enough to eat.

I'll keep that in mind.

Vast improvement.

Find Black Box online here or on the West Bow of the Grassmarket. 

I'm going to be hitting all three of these equally unique and amazing shops come payday, watch this space! (HARRIS TWEED BACKPACK YOU WILL BE MINE!)

Ciao for now,

Dayna x

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Mary's Milk Bar - The Ice Cream Alchemist.

Tucked away in the bottom corner of the Grassmarket sits every sweet tooth's dream - Mary's Milk Bar.
It hasn't even been open a year yet has become many Edinburgh locals, tourists and my own resident go to for an afternoon (or morning... or evening...) sugar fix. With everything completely hand made by ice cream alchemist Mary in the wee shop herself, quality is guaranteed with flavours of sorbets and ice cream changing daily. And if it's too cold for a scoop why not have one of Mary's own hot chocolates? (I will never EVER tire of milk chocolate and orange hot chocolate.)

The 1950s styled parlour gives a homely welcoming feel that is both retro and contemporary and Mary is on hand to direct you towards the flavour that'll tantalise your taste buds best (for me it's salted caramel, holy mutha of all that is gelato.) Fancy more than a cone? Get your fave scoop whizzed up in a milkshake or enjoy it floating in a hot chocolate. Sit and enjoy and have a chat with Mary, all while taking in the amazing view of Edinburgh castle.

NOW - being a Mary's Milk Bar more-than-regular I decided that on Friday night I'd head along to one of Mary's after hours Gelato Tasting Evenings to get to grips with what makes Mary's ice cream just that much more above and beyond the rest.

What was in store was a relaxed evening described as "the story-telling of ice cream" all whilst getting eat and sample your way through the history of ice cream. EH YES PLEASE.

The evening was broken down into: ingredients, types and good vs the bad, and a wee peeksie into Mary's mini ice cream laboratory. Now I don't want to give away too much as what you learn from Mary's power ice cream hour is amazing and I'll let you find out for yourselves, but here's a few wee facts for ya that you probably will not know:

- Milk flavoured ice creams were originally served with vinegar (a nice cheap way to preserve fruit). You'll get to give this a bash at the gelato evening and it was surprisingly delicious with strawberry vinegar drizzled on it! Mary also offers ice cream ripples with various fruit vinegars mixed through so keep an eye out when you visit!

- A Mr Whippy Ice Cream is 60% air.

- Sorbets have been around since 3000 BC. Massive blocks of ice were carried down from the mountains and stored underground to eat in the summer mixed with rose, creating a "slushy."

Leaving full of ice cream (2 free scoops at the end hiiiiiyaaaaa) and having learnt so much at Mary's Gelato Evening, I would seriously recommend it to anyone looking for something different to do on a Friday night! It's perfect to book for a wee group but get your places fast, there is one every month and with the popularity of the milk bar ever growing you need to be quick!

See you there.

Dayna x

Mary's Gelato Tasting Evenings are held on the first Friday of every month 7-8pm.
9 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HS
Keep up to date with all the treats Mary has on offer on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Ones To Watch - Runaway Fox

"We lived in Suffolk where nothing ever happens. It's fine if you're 65 and watch Countdown. But we wanted to do something for ourselves.
 So I thought let's quit our jobs, pack up, and let's go."

Runaway Fox is the creative partnership of Luis and Poppy, who make bold statement and handmade jewellery designs guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Recently having celebrated their first "Edinburghsary", marking exactly a year since the pair ran away to Scotland, the Runaway Fox has grown from strength to strength with one collection released and their second "Animal Friendly Taxidermy" eagerly anticipated. I was lucky enough to pop over to their flat for a glass of wine, many a blether and some very interesting cupcake making...

After the success of their first collection "The Originals", Poppy and Luis are set to release their second collection "Animal Friendly Taxidermy" this Friday. And to all you animal lovers, you have nothing to fear, ain't no damage been to done to Bambi or Fantastic Mr Fox. Poppy and Luis ethically make all their pieces using local materials and they are bringing their game face with this collection.
"We've upped it a level. The complexity of it this time is more than painting wood, it's experimenting, it's layering acrylic, using better chains, better woodland themed mounts."

And get your wish lists at the ready, because here's a little sneak preview of what to expect.

You're all going to have to race me for the ducks necklace. And the stag. And the badger. And if we're just putting it all out there I wouldn't say no to the pheasants either. I'm already working my way through the first collection (working at Godiva Boutique and being faced with temptation is not helping) as the jewellery made by Runaway Fox is so original and bold that you cannot wear it without someone asking "oh my god where did you get that?"

"Our year here has just totally accelerated since starting Runaway Fox. We've met some amazing people and it just makes us all the more excited for our next one!" 

And what can we expect in the future from the pair?

L - "World Domination."
P - " We're going to explore making a wider range and move into more than just jewellery. We're going to keep on being adventurous and simply do anything that excites us." 

Like what you see? You can grab Poppy and Luis's first collection "The Originals" here and while you're there, get 20% off by entering THEORIGINAL20 at the check out.

Roll on Friday.

Dayna x

Follow their adventures on instagram, twitter and facebook.
(Photo credit goes to the lovely Miss Poppy herself.)

Saturday, 1 March 2014

OOTD - Zebracornicus Chic.

Last year Godiva Boutique, where I'm lucky enough to work, released their exclusive tenth anniversary silk scarf and they are officially now back in stock in store and online after totally selling out yet again. I have lusted after one for ages now, a beautiful mix of gypsy florals, polkadots and printed with the Godiva Boutique logo/mascot - the Zebracornicus. 100% silk and digitally printed it is absolutely gorgeous and bold enough to brighten up any outfit and large enough to wear in as many ways as you like. Chuffed to finally own one.

There's now even little versions of the scarves so you gents don't feel left out, as they make for a perfect pocket scarf! 

How will you wear your piece of Godiva Boutique?

Dayna x

Friday, 21 February 2014

Getting My Claws into CutieCool Nails.

I am a nail-biter.
It's one of the most embarrassing habits to admit to, after years of the excuses of 'like, yeah, my nails just don't grow how weird is that?' to 'they're just brittle and break into these blatantly nibbled stubs.'
Stopping biting my nails has been my new year's resolution every year since I was about 9. Every method you can think of to stop yerself chomping away I have tried it and probably tried it again. Stop n Grow? Chewed through it. Covering every finger with plasters? Took them off because I looked MENTAL. Even trying to find something to distract myself with didn't work as I'd bite them when I wasn't even realising I was.

It's frustrating seeing Instagram littered with pals showing off their amazing new nails they've just had done or seeing incredible nail art and having to go 'well I can't do that.' Even worse, after slamming my hand in a door I have a heave worthy half nail meaning I ALWAYS wear nail polish to disguise that I have hands like Gollum.

When I went to the Miss Dixiebelle relaunch I was gifted the goodie bag to end all goodie bags with exclusive vouchers to treat and pamper myself with, one of which was for the CutieCool Nails bar in Miss Dixiebelle itself.

Zara's work is unreal, it only takes one look through her instagram to see some before/after shots, half moon manicures that no vintage loving girl could resist and the one that grabbed my interest the most - remedial nail treatments. Photo's on her website has a whole section dedicated to nail biters and treatments she offers and to my surprise there were a helluva lot worse than me; it was time for kitty to get her claws.

So here are my hands of shame. Absolutely hingin'. The plan of action was to use 'Backscratchers powder glaze acrylic extensions.' Now unlike some nail extension methods this doesn't require any roughening/dehydrating of the nail plate, they simply apply and build up from the natural nail. This means that even once they are removed the nail underneath should still be in good condition, and most importantly for us nail-biters GROWING without being nibbled at!

90 minutes later and VOILA. They didn't even seem like MY HANDS. And for those who think that that seems like a long time, there is no more fabulous feeling than sitting getting your nails done amongst the glamour of the Miss Dixiebelle vintage beauty parlour with old time swing playing in the background. I had the extensions filed into a classic almond shape and opted out of getting shellac on them, just so I could paint them different colours, use nails decals etc after really having proper nails for the first time ever!

 I settled for a nice pale polish to have them finished off with and I am delighted. I can't stop tapping my nails against everything and casually putting my hand up near my face at any given opportunity so that someone may notice my beeeeaautiful nail transformation. I can't wait to go back in a couple of weeks to have them reshaped and the gap where my nails have grown filled in, and this time I'm thinking some emerald green shellac as well.


Dayna x

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Miss Dixiebelle Relaunch!

Since moving to Edinburgh three years ago, Miss Dixiebelle has always been one of my favourite shops. So when I got invited to their relaunch party I was deeeeelighted to go, pin curls and eyeliner flicks at the ready.

After three and a half years of business Miss Dixiebelle has gone from strength to strength with their amazing vintage makeup and hair salon attached to the shop, pop up beauty stands here there and everywhere, and now the Cutiecool Nails nail bar, essential for those half moon manicures! 
The shop boasts an incredible range of clothing from vintage inspired designers as well as reproduction clothing and have now adapted the range to suit their customers even better. 

I am a massive fan of the "What Katie Did" range, a collection of high quality British hosiery and steel boned corsetry, with their seamed stockings even managing to stretch up my lamp post legs. 

The Miss Dixiebelle Gals.

The biggest change within Miss Dixiebelle is the brand new hairdressing salon upstairs, decorated in a 1950s inspired style with Hollywood lit mirrors, pastel pink walls (with flamingos!) and timeless vintage dryers to complete the look.
Now as well as being able to get your hair done into a fabulous vintage style for a night out or event, Miss Dixiebelle now offers colouring and wet sets, as well as a full blown pamper package, with new recruit Angela having 20 years in the hairdressing business. 

Lovely treats provided by The Marshmallow Lady

Those who were lucky enough to be invited to the relaunch event were greeted with teacups of prosecco and cranberry juice and a preview of the revamped salon, including learning about the ins and outs of all the new services on offer. It was lovely to meet like minded vintage style lovers, there was some great style on show to say the least, with the Miss Dixiebelle gals looking as glamorous as ever!
Cake stands filled to the brim with treats from the Marshmallow Lady were passed around, KEY LIME PIE MARSHMALLOWS ANYONE?! 
I received a jam packed goodie bag to take home with more of those scrumptious marshmallows inside (oreo flavour. Need I say more?), a voucher for Cutiecool Nails, lotions and potions from Just Be Botanicals as well as a Miss Dixiebelle points card, to reward all of our spending!

Cutiecool Nails nail bar.

I am so ridiculously excited to come into Miss Dixiebelle, hopefully in the next week, to have my nails done by the lovely Zara of Cutiecool Nails. A nervous nibbler, I've longed for proper lady like nails instead of my square brittle stubs and there seems to be nothing Zara cannot do to totally transform even the worst nails. Watch this space, kitty gon' get her claws.
Check out Cutiecool Nails here, the before and after photos are insane! And I thought there was no hope for me!

Myself and the lovely Emma.

A massive thank you to Emma for inviting me along and hopefully it won't be long til I'm in getting myself done up to the nines!

For of those of you looking to get the Miss Dixiebelle experience, they have a brand new makeover and photoshoot day planned in March, transforming you into 1950's siren. Lads listen up, this is the ultimate Valentines day gift. Find the Facebook event and get involved here.

Dayna x